To act anew is our proud declaration

Reflections on the SIX Wayfinder and summary of Charlie Leadbeater's closing speech by Allyson Hewitt of MaRS Discovery District in Canada. Views are the author's own. 


 In a world that feels out of control people will want more …

Escapism – from an out of control world they can no longer abhor 

A different possibility is what we must offer

A new form of Capitalism on the plate that we proffer


In a world that feels out of control people will want more …

Resistance – to living unacceptable lives that feel like a chore 

And we can offer the ability to create the right kind of relationships

All along, as our population shifts

People are waiting to live in truth, while in a system of lies

To fight for and with them, the system they despise


In a world that feels out of control people will want more …

Coping mechanisms – to do better than before

We fall into a cult of resilience and grit

And slogans like “keep calm and carry on” are all that will fit

Our heroes like Merkel are “Copers in Chief”

As we exist in a world of our own disbelief


In a world that feels out of control people will want more …

Conservation - of human potential, we cannot ignore

We can create ideas around which others can organize

Indifference to humanity we cannot normalize


In a world that feels out of control people will want more …

Movements - that literally move people across the floor

 With new leaders emerging from Zukerburg to the Pope

Our message of linked beating hearts will help us all cope


In a world that feels out of control people will want more …

Opportunities that are transformative and generative to explore

It is time to change the rules of the game

With new flows of resources which are no longer the same

This is our time because people need ideas that are new

We are all searching for something concrete we can do


So as Lincoln declared we must rise to the occasion

And to act anew is our proud declaration


Kelsey SpitzAllyson Hewitt